Friday, October 21, 2011

What Happened to Tennessee???

Growing up in Texas I have always held a special place in my heart for the folks in Tennessee. Sitting in Texas History class images of Davey Crockett and the brave volunteers from Tennessee standing shoulder to shoulder giving their lives at the Alamo filled almost a full page of our text books still come to mind. The brave folks from Tennessee coming all the way to San Antonio to fight and give their lives for Texas and for Freedom So when I came across this news story “Tennessee Becomes First State To Fight Terrorism Statewide”

I was not surprised and thought “Good for them, I would expect nothing less from the proud, brave folks in Tennessee.” Then I read the article.

“Tennessee, What the HELL are you thinking?!?!?!?!”

Tennessee became the first state to deploy Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) jack booted, blue uniformed thugs to five weigh stations and two bus stations across the state. “Tuesday's statewide "VIPR" operation isn't in response to any particular threat, according to officials.”, then why they hell are you doing it??? I think the answer to that question is found in the following statement found in the article…

“Agents are recruiting truck drivers, like Rudy Gonzales, into the First Observer Highway Security Program to say something if they see something.”
Okay, let’s start with getting truck drivers to start spying and reporting suspicious activities to the “Blue Shirts”, then we can get the car drivers to report people texting while they drive, or for not turning on their turn signal when they change lanes?!?!

Have we not seen this before in history? Have we only changed from the “BROWN SHIRTS” to now the “BLUE SHIRTS???”

At least the Tennessee Highway Patrol has not lost their focus…

“The random inspections really aren't any more thorough than normal, according to Tennessee Highway Patrol Colonel Tracy Trott who says paying attention to details can make a difference. Trott pointed out it was an Oklahoma state trooper who stopped Timothy McVeigh for not having a license plate after the Oklahoma City bombing in the early 1990s.”

Shame on you Tennessee… Shame.

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